Guilty - as Charged...

Alice would have had a fit. 
I freely confess to not Housekeeping anywhere close to as fastidiously as Alice did.  I'll think about dusting when I see it. 
You know the joke "I have a bath every year; whether I need on or not"
WELL - that's about me with dusting.
BUT - The mirror is a different story. 

1. I know what I look like.
2. Even if I was the sort to get tarted up for a night out; I've just had a very
    l  o  n  g     year where I couldn't, even supposing I wanted to.
3. As a direct consequence I seldom look at the mirror.
(Where seldom tends towards never.)

It was so hideous, in fact, that I could NOT resist documenting the fact.
I've tended to have a disgustingly sedentary year, well, at least a winter. Being lucky to clock up 2-3,000 steps without making an effort of some kind.
WELL - today, it's only about "20:00 o'clock", and I'm up to 4089, with the possibility of some logged and not yet displayed and never left the house/garden.

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