More Mooring Shenanigans

A trip to Homebase Garden Centre to pick up some seed trays and a bag of farmyard manure.  
Then back to hear the good news that from this Friday travel restrictions in mainland Scotland are banished. Although you can’t cross the border as it’s dangerous down there. So no shopping in Berwick! Aye, that’ll be right. And outdoors, a hitherto overlooked scientific fact will allow six people from six households to meet. And that includes beer gardens! The news promptly fills the three empty seats at my table at Summerhall a week on Monday with thirsty vaccinated retirees. But see here, Edinburgh had 11 news cases but Glasgow had 66! How come they're getting out to play too?
Later, out with the tape measure across the harbour. Desperate times. Desperate, but let's hope not inaccurate, measures.
And much later, Rocks. What a very different world it is for school kids in London now than anything I know. Maybe a different country, right enough.

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