We're Going on a Bear Hunt!

For Book Week Miss E's class have been looking at We're Going on a Bear Hunt and today they all had to wear brown and black clothes and go on a bear hunt. Complete with ears that they've made in class.
And, I suspect, a lot of mud - thick, oozy mud!!!!
Miss E's outfit was a bit of a last minute mish-mash - she insisted on wrapping herself in Mr K's scarf. For added fur! - but I thought she looked very cute!
When I showed her the shorts this morning she said "they're not very girlie".
This from the least girlie girl I know!
But once they were on she loved her outfit.
And - woohoo - she won the prize for best bear outfit and had to go up on stage and get a prize from the headmistress.
What a beautiful day!!!

Here is a picture of her when she got home clutching one of her prizes. She's celebrating on the inside!!!

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