A day in the life

By Shelling


Our excellent wandering-group had another meeting today. It's a facebook group where someone suggest a walk somewhere and wonders if anyone else is interested. Usually someone is. I've been on walks where we were two people and others when we were fifteen. Each walk we do is unique in its way, the various mixes of people makes discussions and talks be different each time, you get to know someone new and you always learn something about something, plants -or life itself.

Today was an easy walk. Seven of us went on an eight kilometer walk to one of the old fortifications, Gråborg, from AD 300-700. Those interested can read more here. We walked through a soft ridge landscape with lots of spring flowers, through an ancient pine forest, through a hazel grove and finally reaching Gråborg, like all the other fortifications from that time it's a ruin. The once powerful walls are torn down but the shape remains. In the picture you get a hint of the size of the ring-fortification. We are in the middle. Once Ove, my fellow walk-mate came in there, he looked for the middle and lay flat on his back and gave a spring-outcry, it's that kind of a place. 

The real reason for this walk of course was the fika, the coffee and sandwiches and all the talking. As you can see we have gorgeous weather, the first mild day in ages and we easily spent two and a half valuable hours together. When we arrived at the cars nobody wanted to be the first to leave, we stood around talking a bit more. No doubt, we are social creatures with an instinct to belong to a group, now somewhat deprived of our natural craving for company. These walks are a safety valve.

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