Glued and screwed?

I was tempted, VERY tempted.  Having been April Fooled by being told I need no longer shield - BUT - that we are/were still under lockdown; the three Musketeers, Jerra, Clicky and I rendezvoused at Melkinthorpe for a brew and a wander around.  Still suffering from outdoor Brews, which must mean there are many Cafés still unable to "open", having insufficient pavement for outsid tables.
I again made history by coming away empty handed, but was terribly tempted by this wee beauty.  As usual we were spoilt for choice - BUT - I took a shot of the flower as a potential Blip, followed by one of the label, as we often do if we want an aide Memoire.  I then got this daft idea to see if I could marry the flower, and its label into one photo.
I have to say, I'm relatively chuffed by the result - except - the flower is slightly, disproportionately, large for the pot.
 "WE" tried once, years ago, with a different Pleione; so long ago I can no longer remember how long it lasted.  I suspect that, unlike the big chains they'll not 1/2 the price when there are no flowers to see so the label will be usefull if I ever change my mind.

I'm pleased I didn't "dive in" 1st. 
I saw it in an online search, advertised as a "Hardy orchid" which, on visiting the page, told me:-
"Hardiness: half hardy (will need winter protection)"

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