Dad, While You Are Here...

Daughter had to be at hospital before 07:30 for her we left home before 6:00 to drive to Doncaster and I drove her on to Worksop...

I drove back to Doncaster via Greggs to collect breakfast and lunch..and stopped to photograph the wind turbine and yellow rape crop. That is this year’s yellow peril shot ticked off..

She had left a list of jobs that need doing.. so I spent the morning putting up wardrobes and fixing them to the wall.

Then I made a start on fixing the fence...

After lunch we took youngest granddaughter to Cusworth Hall for a walk /play.

Have rest of fence to sort and a new gate to hang and later will have to go and collect the patient from the hospital..another hour round trip.

I did a bit of digging after yesterday’s gate blip and I found a map of the site from 1941 which clearly shows the ‘Gate’ at the site entrance. If you look here it is in the bottom right of the site, next to River Platform 

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