
By dunkyc


I thought she was playing at first. Clinging on to my leg like a limpet.

We do that sometimes, she clings on, I push her away and run-off as she tries to cuddle me, but this morning her grip was a little tighter and she refused to let go. The teacher called them in and Matty refused to budge. I realised that she wasn’t playing and as I bent down to prise her from my leg, I could see that her lovely little eyes were filled with tears and she started sobbing.

Engulfing her in a cuddle, I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she didn’t want to go because she’ll miss me.

Moments like that represent the best and worst of being a co-parent. “Yes! My daughter still loves me! I rule!” versus “No! She’s really upset because she’s apart from me for the next three nights”.

Her teacher is awesome and seeing her in distress, came over to speak some kind words and distracted her. The teacher said I was welcome to bring a photo of myself in, I told her that I didn’t think that was appropriate as she was Matty’s teacher. She said it wasn’t for her, it was for Matty to have in her drawer to look at if she was feeling sad. I said that made more sense.

Matty went off ok and disappeared into the building with one of her classmates.

I left feeling loved and powerless.

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