A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Angela Harding

It has been several weeks since I did a jigsaw, probably the longest period without since Christmas.

We were out all morning. Went to ATN singing via the council tip with yesterday’s garden waste and then after a jolly good sing we headed over to M&S in Guiseley. There were tables free outside Costa when we came out so stopped for a coffee.

When we got home there were some parcels that had arrived in the post. The top jigsaw was in one of them. I’d completely forgotten I’d pre ordered it and it reminded me I had the one that I’d completed over Easter still zipped away on my board.
I thought the hares and daffodils were perfect for Easter and apparently it is based on Angela Harding’s Whippet in the fields in Rutland where she lives.
The new one, which only shows half the picture on the box, is called The Common and is set in Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire.

Not really in jigsaw mode at the moment with these lovely sunny days but it’s good to know there is one there to do when the mood takes me. I think they are lovely illustrations but those crazy backgrounds are pretty tricky to do. The completed one is probably one of the hardest I’ve done this year. I can pack it away now.

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