Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Simple Things

I had a glorious long night of sleep last night - so nice to be in my own bed with Hubs next to me.  No pain to speak of this morning although it did creep in later in the day.  It was sunny and very warm today so I got to wear shorts for the first time this year.  I spent much of the morning outside on the patio just enjoying the birds.  The House Wren was singing non stop with a background accompaniment of white-throated sparrows, red winged blackbirds and house finches.  And I got my first fleeting glimpse of a Gray Catbird, one of my very favorite summer residents.

I weighed myself this morning and was horrified to see that I'd gained 7 pounds since Monday.  I know it's all water, but it was still a bit of a shock.  By this afternoon, I'd lost several pounds so things are going in the right direction. And yes, I know how silly it is to be worried over something like water weight.  

Long nap this afternoon - my body is working hard right now.  Blipper Hilary sent me a wonderful guided healing meditation which I did this morning. I am not usually good at guided meditation, but this one was really just perfect.  

Talked to the surgeon's office today and scheduled a follow up for next week.  Talked to my PC's office and seeing him on Friday.  Took my first post surgery shower (bliss) and got a good look at the incisions (ick).  At some chocolate (delicious).

Not a terribly exciting image today but at least I was able to handle a camera without much difficulty so that made me very happy.  I will try for something more interesting tomorrow.

Thank you for all the support, prayers, juju, and love.  I feel like a very lucky woman.

Safe, kind, chocolate...


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