How Green Is My Valley

Though we live on a ridge, actually. Mike is strimming some of the Lane to make it wider, and in the background, the bit of the Lake we can see from our house. 

Can you see the bit of white on the far side of the water? The extra was taken, yesterday, from there. I walked there a couple of times today, but seemed pointless to take another photo of the same scene (took loads yesterday). The two middle white bits you can see are our lower and upper buildings, respectively. On the left, under the tree, the turtle log. On the right, at the furthest point of the water, there are a couple of grebes nesting.

We actually lit the fire this evening while on a Zoom meeting, ages since we've done that - going down to 7°C (44.6°F) tonight.

- Mike got his first Pfizer jab! As instructed, he asked if they'd do me as well, but no, gotta wait my turn... long time since I wished I was older than I am!
- the way paint not only protects, but beautifies; been painting the gate Mike has finished welding, in Hammerite red, and the posts he's finished building, in white... hopefully finish tomorrow
- listening to a blackbird trilling away, and seeing a fledgling on the ground, hope it's OK; no idea where the nest is

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