Easy as (Apple) Pie

We had apples on hand, and I was talking about making an apple crisp. But my husband requested a pie. And one of my philosophies regarding marital happiness is this: if the one you love makes a reasonable request, try to say Yes. And I thought the pie was a reasonable request!

So I peeled and diced the apples and added all the sugar and cinnamon and stuff, and rolled out two crusts, one of which became a lattice topper. This was the resulting pie, after it had been freshly pulled out of the oven. The house smelled like Heaven, all apples and cinnamon.

I remembered with a silly grin my prior adventures with ice cube tray apple pies (a miserable yet hilarious failure, one of my worst baking adventures ever - it began with me watching a video online that made it look SO easy, those liars!), that moved on to a slightly more successful conclusion in mini apple pies in muffin tins.

By the time evening rolled around, I sliced a pair of pieces of pie and my husband and I ate them. Oh, there is PLENTY of pie left over for another day. So this story has a happy ending!  Hooray for pie! :-)

I've picked two soundtrack songs for this posting. One of them has to be this Eagles classic, Take It Easy. And the other one is Carl Sagan, with A Glorious Dawn. (If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the Universe!)

Yeah, I know, I really should publish a book of recipes. How about this for a title? Oven Mitts of Fury: Tales from a Methodist Kitchen.     :-)

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