Litter Ye Not!

I don’t know why Saturdays, living alone, are worse than other days of the week but psychologically they are. The answer is to have a programme of activity which is why I forced myself out of bed early to go for an hour’s tootle about on my bike on quiet roads admiring the potholes, sundry drain covers and gravel on the cycle lanes. I never fail to be astonished at how bad the road surfaces are in Edinburgh.

With breakfast done and dusted, it was off to test the free coffee in M&S with a long out of date voucher, followed by a visit to the bus station to see if there were any bus timetables for the projected Merry Widows trip to Peebles. The bus companies aren’t producing paper timetables at the moment so we’ll have to rely on the internet.

Later, there was a chatty patio visit from a friend who had time to spare while his wife was having treatment at the Eye Pavilion.

It was a big mistake on my part to get involved in excavating the large corner cupboard below the worktop. I realise it is where all the ‘stuff’ that never gets used is hidden. I reacquainted myself with bowls and pans I had long forgotten mainly because I have to be down on all fours to see into its depth. I extricated a jam pan which was new many years ago and has been waiting all this time for its moment in the limelight and pushed the rest back to be dealt with another day.

Now I’m sitting in the sun wearing full thermal survival gear ( 11° feeling like 9°) and overlooking the tennis courts which are the emptiest they have been for months. Everyone must be shopping and certainly the streets are much busier today.

The Meadows themselves are crawling with Police and Police vans. There are also council workers collecting discarded rubbish so that tomorrow there will be less rubbish left lying around. These new tactics have all come about after the shocking teenage disruption early last month. Someone in high places has been listening.

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