Journey Through Time

By Sue

White Crocus

Are we sick of crocus images yet? Well, maybe. But I got Auntie today and we did a couple stops then over to my house for her to do her laundry here. So not much opportunity to do anything else.

I did have a nice long entry, hit the wrong thing, and it disappeared, so this is a re-do. Hate it when that happens. So, the condensed version:

1. Had The Night From Hell, last night. Didn't get to sleep until after 5:30 AM.

2. Cause was burning, electrical pain in ear area and head due to nerve pain.

3. Probably brought on by two walks in the cool, spring time air.

4. The pain pill for this is gabapentin and the minimum dosage I take didn't touch it. Doubled the dosage and it still didn't work. Also, it didn't put me to sleep like it should have. Bummer.

5. Reason for this is trigeminal nerve laying on top of Acoustic Neruoma, a tumor on the balance nerve. It is dead, but it decided to remind me it is still there.

6. Today is my seventh year anniversary of when I had my first MRI to find out what was wrong with me. If you are curious, you are welcome to visit a blog that I have. In the list to the left with all the stuff I have blathered on about, you will see Acoustic Neuroma. You are welcome to read it or anything else you want. If you don't want to, that's fine too. No worries! :)

As always, you may look at my Flickr Page where you can see all kinds of crocus images. Well, a few.

Gotta go! Hope your weekend is going good, Blippers.

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