Feeling hot, hot hot, but not me obv.

J went off on his motorbike this morning, which left me with the cleaning. Actually, I didn't mind too much, and there were no disturbances. I got a text from Vic, asking if I had booked the gym for Monday. I decided to phone him, as it was easier to explain, which was just as well, because when I told him I had booked the gym hall, he has booked the sports hall next door.. I am sure we can sort it out on the day. As soon as J got home, we went to vote. No excuses for us, as the polling station is about two  minutes away from home. 
I couldn't think what I was going to do for today's abstract  challenge when I suddenly remembered we have a few pictures down the shed waiting to go to the tip, which fit the theme perfectly. Thanks to Ingerborg for hosting.

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