
It was a lovely morning.  I headed out to meet a friend for a walk.  We haven’t seen each other this year, so it was nice to walk in the sunshine and catch up.  A change of walking route for her, but a well-trodden route for me – brightened up by a new companion!  When I got home TT was taking delivery of sand, gravel and slabs to make a base for his new greenhouse.  I nominated BB as his helper once he was home from school.  I used the excuse that I had to pop into town to pick up lunch.  When I came home from that errand, I did indeed find BB and TT hard at work!!
The boys were busy outside and I was busy doing chores inside and making a plan for tea.  My plan involved prawns, but we didn’t have any, so had to head out again to get some and a couple of other things.  The first supermarket didn’t have what I needed, so had to go in search elsewhere.  It was worth it, my prawn curry went down very well with the workers. 
Later TT had his regular Friday night whisky Zoom call with his chums, BB was gaming  and I watched some more Borgen.
I like this row of trees and their new fresh green leaves, and the stripey hedge.

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