The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Hamlet and the Norwegian Question

Ok, very silly blip. But I am studying Hamlet for a course and I do not understand why Fortinbras, the son of the old King of Norway, is planning to invade Poland and demanding to march his armies through Denmark. Why doesn't he just go via Sweden? It would be more direct. Maybe Sweden won't let him. Why does he even want to invade Poland, anyway?

Answers on a postcard, or a geographically-themed mug, please.

Work today, followed by rushing home for the Hamlet Zoom. Then a text exchange with friend D. He is now seriously unwell but has not started walking or exercising at all. He falls asleep and drops his cup. He goes back to bed during the day. I think he needs to attend a cardiac rehab group session but possibly they don't exist because of CoVid. Meanwhile, he is wondering what to do with his body warmer if he can't ever fit back into it....he has even offered it to me. Oh dear. I feel that he is fiddling while Rome burns. I've found a hospice organisation that provides Zoom classes for people who have Breathlessness and Fatigue. Normally they'd offer more than that, but CoVid has changed services dramatically. Maybe I'll suggest it to him. He has started an online cookery course, because his diet and shopping habits have altered for the worse and he has always been one for tins and packet sauces, but I don't think he realises that his life is on the line. Not everyone is pro-active.

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