Coitus Anthocharis cardamines

Please forgive the insect porn, but I was fascinated watching this pair of (Anthocharis cardamines) Orange Tip butterflies mating. 

Despite the obvious clues that she was ready to receive her lover, Ms Orange (grey) Tip had completed several rows of knitting before Mr Orange Tip discovered what to do. Then she was off immediately afterwards before he had time to light a ciggie. Lost count of the number of this species flying around the country lanes on my walk this morning. 

Mr PP had gone to archery in the next village and we arranged that he'd pick me up from Blackpool Sands around noon, so I only had the downhill walk. The timing was perfect. Just had time to use the facilities, talk to the sea (it hadn't forgotten me!) and walk back to the gateway as our car rolled up and I rolled in. Back for late 11-ses, when the heavens opened. 

It's bright again now after an afternoon of deluge. I was so lucky, as I'd not thought to take a coat with me.

Thanks to freespiral for hosting this week's Tiny Tuesday challenge.

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