A day in the life

By Shelling


I spent most of the morning visiting Mr.T in the old peoples home where he now is going to stay, which is good for him. He gets the security he needs by getting constant help from their professional staff. We listened to a recoding I made of one of our live concerts which he enjoyed very much.

When I got home I saw a message from Marianne, who organises the concerts in her garden, that Eva and me are rehearsing for, that the date is cancelled due to prolonged restrictions for people to meet in larger groups than eight. Kalmar area has, since April, still got a very high level of Corona infections. The restrictions are prolonged till the 30th of May, the day we were going to perform. Hence the title.

It's been a gorgeous summer day all day and I keep my doors open to let the air flow through the house. Apparently a Redstart also followed the flow into the house and couldn't find its way out again. I helped it by opening the window, after taken a few flappy pictures of it. No animals got hurt during the filming.

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