Digging day

It was more like a weeding day, but as the weeds were mostly docks and very 'thistly' things, they had long roots that needed digging to release them from the ground. As it's been so wet recently it wasn't as arduous as it could have been! I worked on two beds, one in the photo. The other half is another wild flower growing I don't know the name of, but I'm sure someone will, thank you. I've planted out some seeds I've been growing and some cuttings I took from Barry's parents last year that have been overwintering in the growing room, lots of euonymus and potentilla http://https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2811544386628750647
The flowers are Centaurea Montana which seem to grow quite happily in these parts. I've thrown in some seeds that the grandchildren gave me for my birthday and I noticed some poppy plants appearing from seeds I scattered from last year's poppies. Everything being equal I should have a riot of colour in a couple of months, but I won't hold my breath!
I had to give mum the bad news that BT have cancelled her new connection, some technical hitch apparently!! I had to go through the whole process again placing a new order which of course entails a further wait. I was not a happy bunny but fortunately mum took it better than expected. She'd had a good day, lots of Carers and other people popping in and out which always helps her feel better. She'd also spent some time on her balcony as the sun is on there during the morning. I'm now tasked with ordering a chair for her to sit on out there. I'll have to get a plastic one she can leave out there in all weathers as she won't be able to take it in and out. I think I'll get two while I'm at it, so she can entertain a friend if she wants.
It was a quick dinner at the end of a day in the garden, Jamie Oliver fresh stuffed pasta and a homemade tomato sauce. Only one pan to wash by hand too, always a bonus.
All in all a satisfying day. Hope everyone else had a good day too!

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