Capital adventures

By marchmont


Yet another, phone, back blip.

I'm having difficulty getting out of the bit. Hmmm.

Woke up to that white fluffy stuff. Snow. My new tenants, Aussies from Sydney, are very excited about it.

Busy day, talking to sparkie, then meetings, then more meetings, then to the hairdresser. This is George Heriot's School at 5.15. One of 3 barional piles in Edinburgh that are schools, the other two being Fettes and Donaldson's (now an ex school). George Heriot was 'jinglin' Geordie', James VI's goldsmith who made his money and started a school for poor boys, now a fee paying school for biys and girls, but no longer the poor.

The time is significant. I should have been here at 4.30. My hair appointment was 4.45, not 5.30. My hair is undone. How did that happen?

So to the flat, early and a lovely long chat with J and K. Then via A's to get more of Molly's stuff. Home, for microwave dinner at 9.45. No wonder I'm behindhand.

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