15 Today

Fifteen years old today – how did that happen?  Happy birthday BB.  I went without my morning walk as I expected he would want to open his presents and cards, but he didn’t.  He opened one present – a tome of a book, and headed to school. He was supposed to have an English test today and was a little anxious about it, so not really in the right frame of mind for birthday celebrations.  I logged on early and had a busy day, but did manage a walk at lunchtime to break the day up.
BB came home from school and dived into his presents and cards and reported that his English test had been postponed until tomorrow.  He was delighted with all his gifts.  He had a quick turn around to get back out to rugby training.  He came hone muddy and having had a bleeding nose.  After a quick shower and a snack he was back out to play a game of football.
He came back exhausted and they had picked up pizzas – his chosen birthday tea. We then had birthday cake before I popped out for the rest of my daily steps.  No otters were spotted tonight.
BB’s chocolate Guinness birthday cake and fifteen candles. 

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