The Red Baron returns - minus one wing.

Another day of 23°, but rather hazy so it wasn't quite such a scorcher as was Sunday. Spent a good part of the day weeding and watering and just before lunch I heard a plane, or should I say, an aircraft go over. I’ve never forgotten Douglas Bader, portrayed in the film ‘Reach for the Sky’, ticking off one of his Canadian pilots who used the word ‘plane’.  ‘Never use that word’, he said, ‘it’s an aircraft’!

Anyway I saw this aircraft approaching, rushed indoors, grabbed the camera, rushed out and snapped a few shots. ‘Never use that phrase’, I told myself, ‘you mean took a few photographs’!

So it’s not a great photograph and I had to blow it up, or rather ‘enlarge it’, so it’s not as sharp as it might be.

Quote of the Day:

Wayne Gretzky - “You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

(The 'shots' he mentions were actually ice hockey shots so I won't correct him!)

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