Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Cultivating ideas

At the Photo Club tonight we had 2 presenters, each one giving their views on the topic of "Cultivating Ideas".

Bob went first. He told us about being in London with a couple of hours to spare after a meeting. He decided to take a few photos, but then remembered he did not have a camera with him. He resorted to using his phone camera and we saw the wonderful results. Using the theme of Red, he found lots of small details that were red.

He also showed us scans of fruit and veg that were sliced open first. Then there were the handrails. (He confessed to a bit of a fetish for handrails and the hecklers were more than ready to capitalise on that.)

Second on the podium was Chris, who is a great one for street photography but her selection tonight even included some images with the camera on the tripod. There was a series of blue and yellow, skiing, rugby, peopl,e and finally we saw animals interacting. She often produces inspired images. (The one of her dog kissing the koi carp was a hoot.)

Having no blip, I decided to follow Bob's advice and use the phone camera. The overhead heaters in the hall glow red, so this image started life with a ghastly red cast. Photoshop and Silver Efex Pro did the rest!

Glad to be out and mixing with friends - the best medicine.

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