Poinsettia Pruned

Owing to a certain crowding in the utility room and the Poinsettia becoming rather straggly, I decided to prune it (following advice on Google, of course).

Armed with secateurs, with petroleum jelly to smear on the cut ends, which 'bleed' a stinging sap, and bowl of soapy water, in case I caught the sap on my hands, I set to work reducing the twiggy mass to a few shorter, strong stems. 

At the same time I gave the Christmas Cactus cutting, that had been sharing the pot, a home of its own. That is thriving but, for most of the time since then, the first of May, the Poinsettia has sat looking like a miserable stick until quite recently, when it has put out these mini-leaves.

So far, so good!

I've been cheeky and added it to the flower Friday challenge, thank you Biker bear for hosting.

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