Small Magpie Moth #3

Yet another unsuccessful hare hunting session. This time I did see a couple of hares in my binoculars, but they were so far away that I had no chance of getting any useable shots. But they were nice to see all the same. It wasn't possible to get closer without trespassing and I yesterday I somehow twisted my ankle and it was a bit swollen this morning so I wasn't up for a trek anyway. I only went as I couldn't sleep and was told that you could sit in your car and see them. 

Back home we both spent time in the garden, watched some cricket and grand prix and just whiled away the day. 

Today's blip is a Small Magpie Moth that was disturbed when I was watering the pots this evening - quite lucky really as I was all set to scout around the garden after I'd finished watering anyway :) 

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