Fields of Gold

Our last car boot sale was in August 2020, when we successfully shifted a lot of stuff we’d cleared out during lockdown one. Continuing the clear out in lockdowns two and three meant that we once again had boxes of tat - sorry, pre-owned objets d’art - piled up in the garage. Time to move as much as possible on to new homes.
Although the day did not dawn as bright as promised, we pressed on with all the enthusiasm you might expect for a 6.30am start on a Sunday! Quite surprised to arrive at the site only fifteen minutes after the gates officially opened, to find that we were right on the far side of the field.
Yup, it was busy! Thankfully our policy of “pile it high, sell it cheap” paid off over the course of the morning and we definitely didn’t need as many boxes when it came to packing up time. Which was the whole object of the exercise. Mrs C really doesn’t like doing car boots, so if I want to try and get rid of the remainder before autumn, I’ll need to find a sale closer to home so I can go down at crack of dawn and she can wander down to join me at a more “civilised” hour.
Major difference I noted between today and last year was that people were a lot more relaxed. Barely any masks being worn and a much more casual attitude to social distancing - though not to the extent that it ever felt crowded. Generally, it just felt like people were glad to be out and about and everyone who stopped at the stall was happy to chat as they browsed.
In the end, we were quite grateful for it staying cloudy. On the odd occasion the sun broke through, it was very warm and could have been quite unbearable if we’d had five hours of it.
And did we find gold? Not exactly, but definitely enough of a profit (after pitch fee and the obligatory bacon buns) to pay for a decent meal out sometime in the future.

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