It’s All Over Now

After months of rehearsal, hours of set building and four performances, it all had to be taken down yesterday. And what took so long to put up, took only a few short hours to dismantle. It always makes me feel a little sad that so many hours of hard work by so many people can be - literally - swept away in a comparative blink of an eye. Gone, but not forgotten though, as we do have a recording of the performances available to watch. For copyright reasons, this is only able to be viewed by society members, but I must confess that I rarely take advantage as I really don’t like watching myself.
A quiet day today, just a coffee with Stuart this morning and a quick workout in the gym this afternoon. The price of our coffees had shot up by nearly ten percent and I noticed that there had been yet another fuel price hike, with diesel now 7p a litre more expensive than when I filled up on Friday! Surely these price rises must start to level off soon?
Some light packing to be done this evening. We are off to London tomorrow, for the first time since early 2020. I will be interested to see what - if anything - has changed.

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