If You Want Blood You’ve Got It

I’m afraid I’m returning to the “blood” theme today. The main photo was embargoed for publication until today as our director did not want any spoilers finding their way onto social media whilst the play was in production. I think the picture was actually taken at last Sunday’s rehearsal, as I am not seeing any evidence of shock or sorrow upon the discovery of my “body”. I also seem to be a remarkably cheerful corpse, which makes me suspect that one of my fellow actors (I’m looking at you dunkyc!) has just said something amusing concerning my demise!
It’s been a great run and we’ve had a lot of fun. Lots of positive feedback and there was almost a sense of regret that it had to end last night. But nothing lasts forever and this morning has been spent stripping down and dismantling the set. Which is where the inset picture comes in. Having liberally doused myself and my costume in fake blood for the last week, it was quite annoying to suffer a real, blood producing, injury after it was all over. I was just not quite quick enough in snatching my hand out of the way of a flat that suddenly slipped to the ground as the last screw was removed. Not particularly painful, but it just wouldn’t stop bleeding, so a plaster had to be applied.
Feet up in front of the telly tonight as I get to enjoy a night at home for the first time in a week.

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