On The Sunny Side Of The Street

There used to be trees on both sides of the river until those on Aynam Road were chopped down as part of the flood defence works. Not that there is any work happening on this stretch of the river at the moment. Though, even if it was, I’m not sure when it would be put to the test as this continuing spell of hot dry weather means that you can virtually walk all the way across the river at the moment, without getting your feet wet. But you can’t walk down Aynam Road any more without getting heatstroke!
However, it seems this good weather does not extend to the whole of the U.K. Mrs C should have been back from the Hebrides today, but there are no flights out of Stornoway due to fog. Whilst I have been wandering around in my shorts trying to find shade and a breeze, she has been muffled up in a hoody, shivering in the fog.
The airline have put her up in a hotel overnight, given her a voucher for an evening meal and paid for taxis from and to the airport. They are hopeful there will be flights tomorrow, though she may end up in Edinburgh rather than Glasgow. In any event, it seems unlikely she will make it back in time to get to Manchester for the Bonnie Raitt concert we had planned.
I’ll probably go anyway, mainly because I think the Bridgewater Hall is air conditioned so it will be more pleasant sitting there watching Bonnie Raitt than it will be sweltering in the house all evening!

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