The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Fidget popper

As used in my special needs nursery. This one is backlit by my laptop screen. I promise never to throw this plastic toy away.

Work in the morning was followed by a Zoom in a cafe. I had forgotten how to use Zoom on my phone, and locked myself out of the video. Oops. I also spent far too much on an iced coffee and a brownie. Then I bought some footballs for nursery and walked back over there to deliver them.

I think I've got myself on a waiting list for an NHS dental practice in Stroud. They may be able to see me in about six months 'time. Woo hoo! My NHS dental practice in Cheltenham doesn't want to know me. They haven't seen me since before the pandemic took hold of our lives in March 2020. For the historical record, it is rumoured that many NHS dentists in the UK won't be offering their patients appointments until 2024, such is the backlog. Of course, if you pay privately, it's another matter. Aneurin Bevan must be turning in his grave.

After a bit more shopping in town, I walked home but found myself escorting one of our street drunkards home. He was sitting on his usual bench opposite the hospital, but appeared to be shouting and crying into his phone. He told me that his girlfriend had accused him of stealing her wallet, and had scattered his shopping across the main road. The food items certainly looked beaten up. I walked home with him, but he insisted on walking in the road because he only has vision in one eye, and he kept stopping to catch his breath. I began to regret my decision, but I was brought up on the New Testament and the associated parables.

Back home, I had a few things to do, and then Steve and I watched Wales vs. Turkey in the football. Wales won 2-0, scoring a second goal in the final minute of extra time. Wales is now through to the next stage.

Oh, and I also had my PDR at work. It went well. Another item ticked off the list of things to worry about. Then I forgot to attend a staff meeting on Teams this evening, but so did most of my colleagues.

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