Pearl Crescent...

...a small butterfly found in all parts of the U.S. except the West coast, as well as throughout Mexico and in Southern Canada. It favors open areas like pastures, road edges, vacant lots, fields and open pine woods. Their flight is erratic, as they tend to fly low, staying near the ground and alternating between gliding and flapping. This is the first one I've seen this year & I had to follow it for awhile until it stopped somewhere that I could get a shot. Tom had labs drawn at the hospital this morning followed by a visit with his doctor, who said he didn't need to make any med changes today--that's good.  The Dr. was a little concerned about Tom's weight, which has dropped to 144 lbs.  His appetite is good & he's been eating 3 meals a day, but since he isn't gaining weight the Dr. suggested a protein supplement in between meals. Tom told him that was a great idea & he'd do that---at which point I gave Tom  "THE LOOK"  because I'd suggested protein supplements 2 weeks ago and was told by my husband not to bother buying them because he wouldn't drink them.  He gave me the "sheepish" look in return, as well he should! Amazing what you can say without opening your mouth!  Lol. 

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