The North Side

We stopped off at North Queensferry on the way home.

I parked almost underneath the Rail Bridge and we walked back to the village past the beach with the couple having a picnic (This was their view) to the smallest lighthouse in Scotland - which also doesn't stand plumb for some reason. The light was for the ferry coming over from South Queensferry. The steps are on the original jetty which was extended by one on the Telfords - from the family who also built some of the best known lighthouses around the country. I can remember using the jetty as a young child before the Road Bridge was built (I managed to drop a toy car over the side once and wanted my father to dive in and get it.
A cold drink and an ice-cream was partaken of in a small cafe where I was really taken with the floor made from reclaimed wood.

Tonight we are going out to meet SWMBO's bridesmaid who is up from Derby to visit her father. We see her very rarely but I can guarantee that it will be as if we had seen her just last week.

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