Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Me and my Shadow...

In my ongoing mission to lesson the ick-factor of spiders, today's blip is a female Bold Jumping Spider, bravely staring into the lens of my camera.  A moment later, she repelled down into the soil where I lost all sight of her.  There is a cartoonish quality to jumping spiders that even the most confirmed arachnaphobes find at least a little hard not to like.  Right?  

I was all set to blip this water lily as I think it is one of the better black and white images I've ever done.  But things with eyes usually win out in the end with me, so a jumper it is.

My 19th radiation treatment today, followed by an hour or so out in the kayak.  Being on the water is restorative for me, especially when I have a camera along.  I talked with the Melissa (radiology goddess) this morning about the burns and she confirmed that the worst mess, on my chest, is on skin that had already seen significant sun exposure.  Makes sense.  And now that the area is no longer being radiated, it is slowly starting to dry up.  Still itchy as all heck, but I can live with that knowing that it isn't going to get worse.  Two more days!!!

I also had a rather long nap this afternoon - seems like that is what my body is needing right now, so I'm going with it.

Our weather forecast for tomorrow currently calls for thunderstorms, which would mean no paddling - but we'll see how things look in the morning.  There are actually  red-eyed vireos nesting in our woods (he sings all day) and I wouldn't mind trying to get a look at him.  Same for the illusive ovenbirds who are also nesting in the woods with the male constantly singing.  

Today's chocolate - dark with hazelnuts.  


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