Tiny Earrings

Today we are celebrating our 56th anniversary. I was a child bride, marrying John when I was 19 and he was 23. A friend once asked me what our secret was and I rather flippantly answered, '...because we have absolutely nothing in common...' But now that we have raised three children and they each have two children of their own,  I think it is pretty safe to say that we have quite a bit in common. We finish each other's sentences, we argue but rarely fight and are happy in each other's company. (The one recent exception being when he promised to call me and didn't. I think I could call my reaction when he finally got home 'ballistic') We have helped each other through quite a lot of crises. I think perhaps the answer to that old question might just as easily have been, '...because we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, but were able to work things out pretty well as we went along...'

I couldn't figure out how to photograph the earrings John gave me for our anniversary. I finally settled on a doll a friend made (a likeness of me) for my birthday many years ago. John and I  rarely exchange gifts, but when I dropped a hint that I hadn't worn any earrings for over a year and would love to have a pair that I never had to take off, he  took the hint and ran with it. I think he did quite a nice job.

I got him a belt pouch for his phone and a t-shirt with a marmot on it...
I can see to it that he has his phone with him, but I can't make him answer it....

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