
By Grammy

Rain, Glorious Rain

Rainy and mild till afternoon, then sunny and pleasant. Woke up early to the sweet sound of pitter-pattering rain against the window. Hopped out of bed to get a blip. Even though this blip has flowers, the emphasis is on the raindrops hitting the driveway. Last week’s heat wave was very hard on my plants. We spent the morning making medical appointments, ordering meds (a never ending task), and finishing laundry. It turned out to be quite a family day. My oldest daughter dropped by to “checkout” some classic novels for Mancil’s summer reading from my central library. Keeping books here that all the kids can read works well for everyone. We went over my pet sitting duties that start tomorrow. Later, my sister and BIL stopped by and I am so glad they did. She found destructive pests on my squash and tomatoes and recommended an organic spray to get rid of them. We traded cucumbers from her garden for lemon pie and chocolate cake slices. We planned our July 4th dinner menu that we will enjoy before the fireworks. Hubby went directly to the store for the pesticide. Our grandson Parker stopped by with a squash lasagna his mom made from my garden veggies. Plus, he brought hubby a very thoughtful Father’s Day gift, a shirt recognizing hubby as father, grandfather and veteran. My other daughter and her family are in Hershey, PA for Skylar’s dance competition. They have called and texted all day. She invited us for lunch on July 4th. We spent the rest of the day trying to find a campground near Frederick so we can watch Mancil’s basketball tournament later in the month. No luck so we’ll probably stay at a hotel. Hubby went to the convenience center, picked up his repaired glasses and bought a chicken for dinner and lunches. Life is back to normal in Hollywood: our family spent the whole day giving and receiving as needed. But, we got word that the first case of the COVID delta variant has shown its ugly face in our county so normal may be short-lived. “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.” - Richard Bach

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