First Butterfly this Summer

I leave home for a week and find nice and not so nice surprises upon my return. The butterfly bushes have started to bloom. This lonesome swallowtail was enjoying its pick of the nectar. Later in the day, I spotted two zebra butterflies. My other flowers are looking great; hubby did a good job watering for me. It was nice sitting on the front porch for breakfast. The gardenia blooms smelled so good and I enjoyed the clouds and our bubbling fountain. The slimy slugs got into my (previously) beautiful cabbage. Wasn’t sure when to harvest them; should have cut them before I left. The squash and zucchini plants died. Glad my daughter has a huge crop. Guess those pesky squash bugs attacked them. Hubby was out all morning doing KofC work. He was hot and sweaty so he showered, ate lunch and is taking a well deserved nap. I puttered in the yard, weeding, feeding the birds, and cleaned all my outside furniture. The gazebo looks great now. Maybe it will cool off next week and we can enjoy a few meals out there. Hubby’s friend changed the plug that was causing problems so the fan works again. I washed a load of laundry and put away the rest of my travel mess. Still have to separate and freeze all the meat Kristen found on sale. We’ll go to 5:00 Mass and then go out to dinner. We’ve worked hard enough for the day. Thanks for stopping by. Wishing you a fun weekend. Too busy to watch the news. Stay safe folks.
Advice from a Butterfly
“Let go of the past
Trust the future
Embrace change
Come out of the cocoon
Unfurl your wings
Dare to get off the ground
Ride the breezes
Savor the flowers
Put on your brightest colors
Let your beauty show.”

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