At work

The grandchildren are old enough to really help these days. We have spent two days taking out this hedge. Fortunately for the operator of the saw the battery only lasts a certain amount of time giving him a rest. We had a walk with our friend ( their other grandfather) and took one load to the council waste disposal. The council collects green waste and use it to make compost for the city gardens. 

That’s about all we have done today. Me that is. Bob has been trying to get some service from our Telco, in the end gave up and changed to another provider. They are SO frustrating to work with. He sat online for two hours having a discussion but they couldn’t seem to help until he said he was cancelling. Then they could help, sorry, too late.

If anyone likes bird blips have a look at Rubythepelican today. She has found some terrific birds in western Queensland. 

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