A day in the life

By Shelling


A full day spent at the Music-Café garden. I'm regularly helping a friend of mine with posters and as a sound technician, when needed. This is the most demanding of the concerts this season, a six person band with drums, bass, keyboards, guitars, saxophone and vocals. It's been a while since I helped mixing something as big as this so we set off plenty of time and spent three hours setting everything up.

The singer and songwriter is called Max and his band is "the dreamteam". Their music sounds modern the musicians are excellent and the lyrics brilliant. We started building the set at eleven in the morning and I was home by nine in the evening. A long day but a very satisfactory one. Nobody commented on the sound, which means it sounded good, otherwise I'd heard about it.

The rest of the evening was spent with friends watching the football finals, as usual I like the social side of it more than the actual game but even I, with my small knowledge of the rules, thought it was very well played and nice to watch. 

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