Last of the snowdrops

They're all on their way out, but I wondered if I cut a few and arranged them I might be able to salvage something. I liked this arrangement in black and white (and that was what I blipped but I've changed it now to colour, sorry for confusion if you're reading the comments). I also played around with a crocus but stuck with the snowdrops. The plan had been to garden today, but the weather had other plans.

If blipping isn't enough I've been seduced over to another site recently where you can post one image a day, but it doesn't have to have been taken that day. There's stuff - ratings etc - I don't understand and you must expect more critiquing there. It doesn't seem to be a social community in the same way as this place. But there's a lot of info there. So if Blipfoto is my nearest and dearest, I suppose I could describe the other as a bit on the side, a flirtation.

I wonder if this mild spell will bring the frogs in to the pond. I haven't seen or heard them yet this year. Last year they'd already begun to spawn at this time.

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