First French beans

Before I tell you about my day, I need to explain about any spelling mistakes. I know there are mistakes every single blip. I don't care. They are due to fat fingers on a small phone, me always rushing, and my phone thinking it knows what words I mean and changing them. I don't read it through, I just share. There isn't time to proof read!!

So today being Wednesday, it's wash my hair, put on some perfume and a bit of jewellery day. It's the one day I make a bit more effort than every other day!! (I do wear clothes in addition to those bits!!)

A reasonable day at work, finishing at 5. Cooked red lentil tikka masala and cauliflower rice for dinner, then grabbed together my allotment stuff and headed up there at 7.30. Left at just after 9 quite pleased with the bits I got done. Weeded a small patch so that I could plant more mange tout seeds, and in the same patch I also planted some spinach beet seeds. Them I put in some runner bean seeds where I had dug up the first earlies at the weekend. I'm just filling every small space where there aren't weeds, with potential for something else to grow if it isn't too late. I will focus on it at the weekend. I've been listening to radio4extra all evening as I find it generally more light hearted. But at 9, a programme about Bletchley Park came on, which I am really enjoying, so I have the radio still by me, in the lounge, with the TV on too!

Back by 9.15 and listening to the radio whilst watching Olivia Coleman on Who Do You Think You Are. I meant to ring mum, but my evening has just disappeared, so I'll ring you tomorrow mum!

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