Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Guardian

I was poking about in the pollinator garden this morning when I got that sensation that I was being watched... And sure enough, I spotted this tiny House Wren up in one the hickory trees, keeping an eye on me.  I was only about 10 feet from her nest box where there are at least 5 little nestlings being fed.  So, I quickly put some distance between myself and the nest, allowing her space to feel safe feeding her babies.

It's stinko-hot out today and I had a very poor night's sleep, so it's been kind of a lazy day.  I have higher hopes for tomorrow, although it's going to be wretchedly hot and humid.

I really think the post-radiation fatigue is slowly improving.  I did get a wave of it later in the afternoon yesterday, but it didn't seem to be as bad.  I'm tired and draggy today but that is probably mostly about just not getting nearly enough sleep last night.  

Off to the gastro shortly.  We'll have a chat and then his nurse will schedule me for the procedure, hopefully soon.  Be nice to get that over and done with as I'm nearly a year overdue.  

Don't forget - only 8 more days until the start of the 2021 AOG - and not to soon to start some pre-game coverage (tag pre-game entries #aog21pre)  

Deep, dark, lovely chocolate today...


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