Capital adventures

By marchmont

Playing tourist

As predicted there was very little sun today, though still warm, so after breakfast outside (coffee and croissants), a chat with K, back from Italy, and watering the back I set off to be a tourist.

First to the garden centre where I forgot to look at water butts but did get other things then south to Temple, a place I have never been before. Some beautiful roses round the doors and a group outside the Auld Kirk who looked like they were engaged in restoration work. Then across country on a very quiet road to West Linton. I'm not sure I've even been in West Linton, driven past it, but in it?

Turned out it was open Gardens Sunday so I visited three, had awful coffee and an enjoyable cream and jam scone. And even more remarkably spent UK cash in a shop for the first time in 20 months. I had to take it out of the ATM first though.

It was nice pootling round the village. There were lots of people enjoying the gardens, the play park and the green spaces beside the Lyne Water.

Stopped in by Sainsbury's on the way home for tatties and bought much more. Watered the front garden, dead headed more roses, picked more sweet peas and had dinner outside. Looks like the weather is set fair for the week.

There are noticeably more planes around. Last night a late night inbound from Heraklion and today an outbound to Sofia. I was surprised when I looked at the app to see how many flights there were. It's been so deserted for so long.

Spoke to K this morning. She's a gamer. That explains the long nights on the laptop.

F2F - 9
Phone calls - 1
Virtual - 0

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