A nosy peak

We spend a relaxing day with friends Al and Liz over in Waltham Abbey. We didn’t do a great deal owing to the heat, mainly sat in their conservatory under their air con unit putting the world to rights.

We did venture out to their allotment which gave me the chance to seek unusual subjects for a blip. I don’t think this really qualifies as unusual, it’s just different.

The chap on the plot next to Al and Liz had constructed this huge shed cum poly tunnel right across the end of his ground. All sorts were in it, a few plants, two large water containers, old mattresses and a seat for dad.

Unfortunately, the chap is not well and hasn’t been able to make full us of his structure this year. I was able to sneak in the plot and take the shot through a half open door.

On allotment matters, we’ve started the distribution of our allotment flyer to Bearsted residents asking them to respond to the Council’s proposals. There was another supportive article in the local Downsview paper, see page 22: https://www.downsmail.co.uk/_img/pics/pdf_1626949863.pdf

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