Two for thee…

…and one for me.
Thursday again fell on the appointed day, so Jerra and I had the customary Weekly Wander; along the line again.
Quite heartening to see scarcely ANY litter, even in "The Hut".  Chances are it's a reconstituted relic of the "C K & P line"  (Cockermouth, Keswick  & Penrith)
I take every opportunity to "park me carcase" at each seat; one of which is beside the hut. On the return trip we perched inside; not so much as a "Fag Stump" in there.  However, graffiti was a different animal, but only up on the slates; the nearest of which would be a goodly stretch for those of average height - I suspect an excess of shoulder sitting.  The only rubbish we saw - One Coke© Bottle, half full of what appeared to be the genuine, but untested article, lying neatly beside a "Doggy-bag"; which puts a whole new slant on the American phraseology.
The other "for thee" - we saw a party of about six assorted sized from barely old enough for two wheels up to, evidently Mam and Dad.  We set off by letting them pass us; and; coincidentally, letting them pass us on return at almost the same part of the track.  They ended their ride by a short wander down to the Beck edge.

The hut guessimetrically positioned.
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The one for me?  Just a record of the new 'phone.  I gave up on the old one - still, supposèdly, in the environs of the house.  IF/when it surfaces you'll be the second to know.  I thought the old one, now nearly four, was allegedly "smart" this one looks positively bloody intelligent.  We shall see.

More record. - I finally married my new fitness tracker with its handler, which no longer thinks the day starts at about 22:06 and today is no longer the 19th of January 2019.
The marriage took place with the collaboration of Jerra on the first seat en route, at about 14:15(ish) with over 1,000 steps already logged.
The day's score, since then- 5392.
The newer software is happy to log other info:-
Whatever my spO2 means was 97%
B. P. - 108/80, it claims!
Heart rate reached 81; currently a resting 71, up a touch from my erstwhile resting rate of about 60.

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