
By Marionb

Another Monet Moment...

I could not resist posting another waterlily blip today - the morning light on these ones blew me away..such a range of colours! I could not help but be drawn to them and to dream of being able to paint them as they appear here...Later in the day, I photographed them again and those lily pads were back to the basic green we normally see. Must have been something to do with the light being reflected off other things?  Whatever...I love those colours and have the urge to grab my palette and start mixing them up! If only I knew how to master the next step and put them on paper to create recognizable waterlily pads! 

The other island flora of the day is the Indian Pipe my daughter found down by the shed yesterday. It has several names - Ghost Pipe, Ghost Plant, and even Corpse Plant. If you look in the extras, you can see why those names are appropriate! I had never bothered to learn much about the plant before and was fascinated today by what I read. It looks like a fungus of some sort but is really a herbaceous perennial, a parasitic plant that is a member of the blueberry family? Could have fooled me!  It IS a weird plant though - it has no chlorophyll, and no leaves as it does not depend on photosynthesis, but it does have flowers, pollinated by small bumblebees... Who knew? I imagine lots of my fellow blippers out there did! They tend to know these things...

My daughter and son-in-law left for home this morning so I am on my own now. The activity level around here will subside somewhat with the younger ones gone! My options for blips will be reduced also..they provide so many of them!  I may, however, have the company of my brother one day - his cottage is nearby  - and my sister may join me for a couple days next week, so who knows what exciting blip opportunities might arise as a result! 

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