Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Happy Gotcha day, Xena!

Two years ago we brought Xena into our home and a new chapter started in our lives. After losing a much loved Murdoch we never thought we could love another dog again but this little princess has wormed her way into our hearts. She has been such a delightful dog so far, I am even tempted to get another (sshhh, don't tell Gavin!) 

This morning while a crazy Gavin ran a half marathon, I walked Xena in the woods. She cut her paw on something in the garden last night so I was not sure if she would be able to walk but she is only limping imperceptibly and I think the love of a walk superseded any discomfort she felt. 

Tommy and Inca left to go to London before going to her family home. I stripped beds and washed linen and made a lamb curry for lunch. I think it is the first time we have eaten red meat in about 2 months, we seldom eat it these days. After Inca's stories from the dairy farm where she worked I will never buy cows' milk again unless it is organic - I personally only drink plant based milks in any case.

Well done to Team GB, now up to 32 medals! We have had some surprising successes and some disappointments where success was expected. We have not done as well at rowing in these games as we usually do, but have achieved unparalleled success at swimming. I never understood why we ever do well at rowing as in the UK it is not a grassroots sport and usually people only get introduced to it at university, compared to other countries where rowing is a very popular senior school sport.

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