Had a nice lie in this morning.  Still feeling a bit " under the weather " but much better than I was a couple of days ago,.

Decided to do the hoovering this afternoon.  Well I attempted to do the hoovering but it didn't happen.  The hoover seemed to be working properly -  picking up dirt/ fluff etc  - but I noticed the clear " bag  "was not filling up.  Turns out all the debris was getting stuck in the entrance to the hose .... and maybe beyond that.  I dug around with a bit of wire and pulled out quite a lot of debris until the entrance to the hose was clear and tried hoovering again.  Same thing happened.... nothing in the bag ... hose blocked.  Undid the other end of the hose to see if I could fish out any debris from that end and I did get some.  But theres is probably some in the middle where I can't get to.  I couldn't be bothered to faff on any more and gave up for today. 

Decided to get my trusty " Scuffy " out to remove the worst of the cat hairs.  High tec it isn't.  Just a piece of wood with a bit of hard rubber material along one end.  You just scrape it along the carpet and it gathers up the cat hair.  Quite effective - but a bit time consuming.  But at least it worked... unlike my stupid hoover.

Tino and Lily have been proper pains today.  A lot of animosity going on.  Chasing around madly. Hissing from Lily.  Growling from Tino.  Tino starts off being a bit nasty and then Lily turns really aggressive. Tino gets frightened and cowers in the corner growling. Lily can be quite intimidating even though she's half the size of Tino. This sort of behaviour usually happens now and again.  But quite a lot recently for some reason.

Steps today - 3,412

The weather today was dry but very overcast and dull and quite cool. 

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