Well, yes THE Doctor is in this house today.

A busy day again, just housework stuff, mostly ironing.  Whilst ironing we (meaning G) decided we would watch The Third Doctor's First Story "Spearhead From Space" - where the shop dummies come to life - terrifying back in the day when I first saw it.

I'm a big fan of Classic Dr Who, especially Jon Pertwee and early Tom Baker with Sarah Jane Smith.  The first 4 doctors were fantastic but I loved the whole of the classic era.  It's so good to have a journey back in time sometimes, especially when doing mundane things like ironing!!!

Getting stuff ready for Mum's 90th birthday tomorrow.  We are taking her out for a spot of lunch.  It was too difficulit to get a full family get together for this and it would be a bit too much for Mum these days, she's much happier going out in small groups - which is also better for covid safety.  

Do take care, stay safe and be happy.

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