
By Grammy

The Phantom

Sunny and warm all day, a small breeze and more blue skies. Got up with the intention of getting this picture for my blip since it is flower Friday. This bush is in my neighbor’s yard directly in front of my porch rocker. I’ve watched it all spring/summer. It is a white hydrangea phantom flowering shrub, and oh, so gorgeous. Hubby went to pick up my medication while I ate breakfast and picked tomatoes. Grand Lauren and great grand River stopped by to take some tomatoes and visit for a bit. It was good timing because I had just gotten dressed for leaving and could chat while hubby got ready. They stayed until it was time for us to head to Mrs. Bell’s funeral. She had suffered with cancer for 2.5 years and told everyone she was looking forward to heaven, her only regret was having to leave her family. I just pray her 16-year old daughter Tina (Sky’s BBF) will stay on the straight and narrow. We grabbed a bite of lunch out and then I got busy getting stuff packed to come to Kim’s. Hubby broke a tooth either last night or at lunch. Our dentist is out of town til after we leave for WV. He is going to try to find an emergency dentist on Monday. My R&R with Trekkie and Shadow has begun so guess it is Kindle time although I feel a nap may come first. Thanks for dropping by. “On earth we have the pain without the reason. In heaven we have the reason without the pain.” - Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope

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