
I have been ordering my food online for a few weeks now. It has come as expected and whoever chooses the fruit and vegetables is to be commended. It only costs $10 for someone to pack it all up and deliver to my door. That’s a bargain. 

Happy birthday to Bob. I didn’t buy him any presents as he is always buying things for himself. He would rather go clothes shopping ( meaning not at all) and has so many devices and stuff we can’t fit anymore in. He likes books but prefers to download them onto his phone. I really ran out of ideas this year. We are having our friend come for dinner so I’m about to start preparations. 

No good news on the Covid front or the IPCC report released today. Our Government is a disaster in that department and we are at the bottom of the list of countries for our inaction along with our roll out of vaccines. I have great fears for many people in the future.

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